Again, you can see how this new element is based on a predecessor in the task topic and a predecessor in the base DITA topic, inheriting behavior from both. 同样,您可以看到这个新元素是如何基于task主题中的前辈和基础DITA主题中的前辈并从两者继承行为的。
To link tasks on the chart portion of the Gantt Chart view, drag the pointer from the predecessor task to the successor task. 如果要链接甘特图视图中图表部分上的任务,请将指针从前置任务拖动到后续任务。
Shenzhen minor enterprises board has been regarded as the predecessor of Chinese enterprise board by the insiders, undertaking the important task to create Chinese NASDAQ market. 深圳中小板还被业内人士看作是我国创业板的前身,肩负着打造中国的纳斯达克市场的重任。